Childers Street Art Initiative Completion

By December 18, 2012News

December 2012 proved to be an interesting and busy year for MDR, due in part to the official completion and hand over of the Childers Street project. A £3.02 million development of 22 spacious apartments adjoining what was the inaugural 19th century London Bridge and Greenwich railway viaduct. Designed by MDR Associates for affordable housing provider, ASRA Housing Group, the Childers Street development in Deptford offers a mix of two and three bedroom homes on five upper floors with commercial space at ground level.

As part of our ever-increasing emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility, MDR are continually looking at ways to integrate and involve the community on all of our projects. In this case, we actively involved local primary school Grinling Gibbons in designing some artwork to be displayed on the building’s commercial hoarding. The children’s excitement and passion for the project was infectious and resulted in some fine art work being created. The art project was the first of its kind for MDR, but one we hope to adopt again on future projects.

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