Drawing on our 10 years experience and our multi disciplinary teams, MDR remains committed to providing homes that people want to live in.

We are delighted to announce MDR has now 14001 quality assurance.
From the 1st February MDR are moving just round the corner to 9 Holyrood St , do bear with us whilst we pack and unpack , all our phone and e mail contacts will remain the same , full directions are included on our contact page.

We are delighted to announce MDR is now quality assured (BS EN ISO 9001:2008)

One of MDR’s major new projects of 2010 is now complete. Edridge Road Community Health Centre (ERCHC) in Croydon opened its doors to the public on the 30th June providing a healthcare hub for the people of Croydon. The opening ceremony for the new walk-in centre will take place next month.

Following the completion of Impact House, Croydon, MDR Associates are pleased to announce an open invitation to experience first hand the changing panoramic skylines of Croydon in a fun and light hearted afternoon tea party on the upper levels of Impact House.

MDR Associates are pleased to announce the completion of Impact House, in Croydon, our first major commercial project and largest building to date.