Gibbon’s Rent Little Library & Gateways Launch

By August 8, 2014Community, News

With the success of Gibbon’s Rent Pocket Park, we couldn’t wait to join forces with Team London Bridge once again, to host the official opening of the Little Library and newly installed Gateways. Whether it’s used as a connecting route between one corner of London Bridge and another, or as a sunny spot for lunch, Gibbon’s Rent has been warmly welcomed into our local community and we can’t remember life before.

We’re excited to see how this new installation will contribute to the social and economic development of our local area, bringing together local residents, businesses and passers by. Our own Little Library seeks to further develop the pocket park’s use as a place to read, dwell and socialise. The Gateways at both entrances to Gibbon’s Rent will place the line of potted plants on the map as the next best place to be. If you are in the area on Thursday 14 August, join us from 4.30pm for an afternoon tea themed grand unveiling.

Little Library & Gateways Invitation

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